Cement & Lime

Specific solutions for the abatement of particulates

Cement and lime production industry requires specific solutions for the abatement of particulates and in the treatment of powders throughout the production process, from the extraction and grinding of raw materials and coal, to the cooking and cooling of clinker extending to the final stages of grinding, transport on fluidized channels and product packaging.

The wide range of Testori products and treatments, developed on the basis of a long and consolidated experience in the sector, guarantees optimal performance for every need.

The use of felts and special treatments reduces abrasion and clogging in the early stages of the process, while the analysis of the filtration rate and temperatures allows us to support the customer with specific solutions for each plant.

Testori has been collaborating for over 80 years with all the main industrial groups in the specific sector and with the most important OEMs all over the world, making its know-how available also for diagnostic intervention services on filters, sleeve replacement, help with maintenance, execution of laboratory analyses on the installed bags and other ancillary services to the filtration process.

Testori supports all types of customers along the specific supply chain: manufacturers, machinery builders (OEMs) and end users.

Testori, the solution for every application
